image/svg+xmlVPSHRD — Concatenate and Shift Packed Data Right LogicalInstruction Operand EncodingDescriptionConcatenate packed data, extract result shifted to the right by constant value.This instruction supports memory fault suppression.Opcode/InstructionOp/En64/32 bit Mode SupportCPUID Feature FlagDescriptionEVEX.128.66.0F3A.W1 72 /r /ibVPSHRDW xmm1{k1}{z}, xmm2, xmm3/m128, imm8AV/VAVX512_VBMI2AVX512VLConcatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into xmm1.EVEX.256.66.0F3A.W1 72 /r /ibVPSHRDW ymm1{k1}{z}, ymm2, ymm3/m256, imm8AV/VAVX512_VBMI2AVX512VLConcatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into ymm1.EVEX.512.66.0F3A.W1 72 /r /ibVPSHRDW zmm1{k1}{z}, zmm2, zmm3/m512, imm8AV/VAVX512_VBMI2Concatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into zmm1.EVEX.128.66.0F3A.W0 73 /r /ibVPSHRDD xmm1{k1}{z}, xmm2, xmm3/m128/m32bcst, imm8BV/VAVX512_VBMI2AVX512VLConcatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into xmm1.EVEX.256.66.0F3A.W0 73 /r /ibVPSHRDD ymm1{k1}{z}, ymm2, ymm3/m256/m32bcst, imm8BV/VAVX512_VBMI2AVX512VLConcatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into ymm1.EVEX.512.66.0F3A.W0 73 /r /ibVPSHRDD zmm1{k1}{z}, zmm2, zmm3/m512/m32bcst, imm8BV/VAVX512_VBMI2Concatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into zmm1.EVEX.128.66.0F3A.W1 73 /r /ibVPSHRDQ xmm1{k1}{z}, xmm2, xmm3/m128/m64bcst, imm8BV/VAVX512_VBMI2AVX512VLConcatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into xmm1.EVEX.256.66.0F3A.W1 73 /r /ibVPSHRDQ ymm1{k1}{z}, ymm2, ymm3/m256/m64bcst, imm8BV/VAVX512_VBMI2AVX512VLConcatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into ymm1.EVEX.512.66.0F3A.W1 73 /r /ibVPSHRDQ zmm1{k1}{z}, zmm2, zmm3/m512/m64bcst, imm8BV/VAVX512_VBMI2Concatenate destination and source operands, extract result shifted to the right by constant value in imm8 into zmm1.Op/EnTupleOperand 1Operand 2Operand 3Operand 4AFull MemModRM:reg (w)EVEX.vvvv (r)ModRM:r/m (r)imm8 (r)BFullModRM:reg (w)EVEX.vvvv (r)ModRM:r/m (r)imm8 (r)

image/svg+xmlOperationVPSHRDW DEST, SRC2, SRC3, imm8(KL, VL) = (8, 128), (16, 256), (32, 512)FOR j := 0 TO KL-1:IF MaskBit(j) OR *no writemask*:DEST.word[j] := concat(SRC3.word[j], SRC2.word[j]) >> (imm8 & 15)ELSE IF *zeroing*:DEST.word[j] := 0*ELSE DEST.word[j] remains unchanged*DEST[MAX_VL-1:VL] := 0VPSHRDD DEST, SRC2, SRC3, imm8(KL, VL) = (4, 128), (8, 256), (16, 512)FOR j := 0 TO KL-1:IF SRC3 is broadcast memop:tsrc3 := SRC3.dword[0]ELSE:tsrc3 := SRC3.dword[j]IF MaskBit(j) OR *no writemask*:DEST.dword[j] := concat(tsrc3, SRC2.dword[j]) >> (imm8 & 31)ELSE IF *zeroing*:DEST.dword[j] := 0*ELSE DEST.dword[j] remains unchanged*DEST[MAX_VL-1:VL] := 0VPSHRDQ DEST, SRC2, SRC3, imm8(KL, VL) = (2, 128), (4, 256), (8, 512)FOR j := 0 TO KL-1:IF SRC3 is broadcast memop:tsrc3 := SRC3.qword[0]ELSE:tsrc3 := SRC3.qword[j]IF MaskBit(j) OR *no writemask*:DEST.qword[j] := concat(tsrc3, SRC2.qword[j]) >> (imm8 & 63)ELSE IF *zeroing*:DEST.qword[j] := 0*ELSE DEST.qword[j] remains unchanged*DEST[MAX_VL-1:VL] := 0

image/svg+xmlIntel C/C++ Compiler Intrinsic EquivalentVPSHRDQ __m128i _mm_shrdi_epi64(__m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDQ __m128i _mm_mask_shrdi_epi64(__m128i, __mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDQ __m128i _mm_maskz_shrdi_epi64(__mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDQ __m256i _mm256_shrdi_epi64(__m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDQ __m256i _mm256_mask_shrdi_epi64(__m256i, __mmask8, __m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDQ __m256i _mm256_maskz_shrdi_epi64(__mmask8, __m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDQ __m512i _mm512_shrdi_epi64(__m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDQ __m512i _mm512_mask_shrdi_epi64(__m512i, __mmask8, __m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDQ __m512i _mm512_maskz_shrdi_epi64(__mmask8, __m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDD __m128i _mm_shrdi_epi32(__m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDD __m128i _mm_mask_shrdi_epi32(__m128i, __mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDD __m128i _mm_maskz_shrdi_epi32(__mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDD __m256i _mm256_shrdi_epi32(__m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDD __m256i _mm256_mask_shrdi_epi32(__m256i, __mmask8, __m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDD __m256i _mm256_maskz_shrdi_epi32(__mmask8, __m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDD __m512i _mm512_shrdi_epi32(__m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDD __m512i _mm512_mask_shrdi_epi32(__m512i, __mmask16, __m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDD __m512i _mm512_maskz_shrdi_epi32(__mmask16, __m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDW __m128i _mm_shrdi_epi16(__m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDW __m128i _mm_mask_shrdi_epi16(__m128i, __mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDW __m128i _mm_maskz_shrdi_epi16(__mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, int);VPSHRDW __m256i _mm256_shrdi_epi16(__m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDW __m256i _mm256_mask_shrdi_epi16(__m256i, __mmask16, __m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDW __m256i _mm256_maskz_shrdi_epi16(__mmask16, __m256i, __m256i, int);VPSHRDW __m512i _mm512_shrdi_epi16(__m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDW __m512i _mm512_mask_shrdi_epi16(__m512i, __mmask32, __m512i, __m512i, int);VPSHRDW __m512i _mm512_maskz_shrdi_epi16(__mmask32, __m512i, __m512i, int);SIMD Floating-Point ExceptionsNone.Other ExceptionsSee Type E4.

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