image/svg+xmlVPDPBUSD — Multiply and Add Unsigned and Signed BytesInstruction Operand EncodingDescriptionMultiplies the individual unsigned bytes of the first source operand by the corresponding signed bytes of the second source operand, producing intermediate signed word results. The word results are then summed and accumulated in the destination dword element size operand.This instruction supports memory fault suppression.Opcode/InstructionOp/En64/32 bit Mode SupportCPUID Feature FlagDescriptionVEX.128.66.0F38.W0 50 /r VPDPBUSD xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/m128AV/VAVX-VNNIMultiply groups of 4 pairs of signed bytes in xmm3/m128 with corresponding unsigned bytes of xmm2, summing those products and adding them to doubleword result in xmm1.VEX.256.66.0F38.W0 50 /rVPDPBUSD ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/m256AV/VAVX-VNNIMultiply groups of 4 pairs of signed bytes in ymm3/m256 with corresponding unsigned bytes of ymm2, summing those products and adding them to doubleword result in ymm1.EVEX.128.66.0F38.W0 50 /rVPDPBUSD xmm1{k1}{z}, xmm2, xmm3/m128/m32bcstBV/VAVX512_VNNIAVX512VLMultiply groups of 4 pairs of signed bytes in xmm3/m128/m32bcst with corresponding unsigned bytes of xmm2, summing those products and adding them to doubleword result in xmm1 under writemask k1.EVEX.256.66.0F38.W0 50 /rVPDPBUSD ymm1{k1}{z}, ymm2, ymm3/m256/m32bcstBV/VAVX512_VNNIAVX512VLMultiply groups of 4 pairs of signed bytes in ymm3/m256/m32bcst with corresponding unsigned bytes of ymm2, summing those products and adding them to doubleword result in ymm1 under writemask k1.EVEX.512.66.0F38.W0 50 /rVPDPBUSD zmm1{k1}{z}, zmm2, zmm3/m512/m32bcstBV/VAVX512_VNNIMultiply groups of 4 pairs of signed bytes in zmm3/m512/m32bcst with corresponding unsigned bytes of zmm2, summing those products and adding them to doubleword result in zmm1 under writemask k1.Op/EnTupleOperand 1Operand 2Operand 3Operand 4ANAModRM:reg (r, w)VEX.vvvv (r)ModRM:r/m (r)NABFullModRM:reg (r, w)EVEX.vvvv (r)ModRM:r/m (r)NA

image/svg+xmlOperationVPDPBUSD dest, src1, src2 (VEX encoded versions)VL=(128, 256)KL=VL/32ORIGDEST := DESTFOR i := 0 TO KL-1:// Extending to 16b // src1extend := ZERO_EXTEND// src2extend := SIGN_EXTENDp1word := src1extend(SRC1.byte[4*i+0]) * src2extend(SRC2.byte[4*i+0])p2word := src1extend(SRC1.byte[4*i+1]) * src2extend(SRC2.byte[4*i+1])p3word := src1extend(SRC1.byte[4*i+2]) * src2extend(SRC2.byte[4*i+2])p4word := src1extend(SRC1.byte[4*i+3]) * src2extend(SRC2.byte[4*i+3])DEST.dword[i] := ORIGDEST.dword[i] + p1word + p2word + p3word + p4wordDEST[MAX_VL-1:VL] := 0VPDPBUSD dest, src1, src2 (EVEX encoded versions)(KL,VL)=(4,128), (8,256), (16,512)ORIGDEST := DESTFOR i := 0 TO KL-1:IF k1[i] or *no writemask*:// Byte elements of SRC1 are zero-extended to 16b and// byte elements of SRC2 are sign extended to 16b before multiplication.IF SRC2 is memory and EVEX.b == 1:t := SRC2.dword[0]ELSE:t := SRC2.dword[i]p1word := ZERO_EXTEND(SRC1.byte[4*i]) * SIGN_EXTEND(t.byte[0])p2word := ZERO_EXTEND(SRC1.byte[4*i+1]) * SIGN_EXTEND(t.byte[1])p3word := ZERO_EXTEND(SRC1.byte[4*i+2]) * SIGN_EXTEND(t.byte[2])p4word := ZERO_EXTEND(SRC1.byte[4*i+3]) * SIGN_EXTEND(t.byte[3])DEST.dword[i] := ORIGDEST.dword[i] + p1word + p2word + p3word + p4wordELSE IF *zeroing*:DEST.dword[i] := 0ELSE: // Merge masking, dest element unchangedDEST.dword[i] := ORIGDEST.dword[i]DEST[MAX_VL-1:VL] := 0Intel C/C++ Compiler Intrinsic EquivalentVPDPBUSD __m128i _mm_dpbusd_avx_epi32(__m128i, __m128i, __m128i);VPDPBUSD __m128i _mm_dpbusd_epi32(__m128i, __m128i, __m128i);VPDPBUSD __m128i _mm_mask_dpbusd_epi32(__m128i, __mmask8, __m128i, __m128i);VPDPBUSD __m128i _mm_maskz_dpbusd_epi32(__mmask8, __m128i, __m128i, __m128i);VPDPBUSD __m256i _mm256_dpbusd_avx_epi32(__m256i, __m256i, __m256i);VPDPBUSD __m256i _mm256_dpbusd_epi32(__m256i, __m256i, __m256i);VPDPBUSD __m256i _mm256_mask_dpbusd_epi32(__m256i, __mmask8, __m256i, __m256i);VPDPBUSD __m256i _mm256_maskz_dpbusd_epi32(__mmask8, __m256i, __m256i, __m256i);VPDPBUSD __m512i _mm512_dpbusd_epi32(__m512i, __m512i, __m512i);VPDPBUSD __m512i _mm512_mask_dpbusd_epi32(__m512i, __mmask16, __m512i, __m512i);VPDPBUSD __m512i _mm512_maskz_dpbusd_epi32(__mmask16, __m512i, __m512i, __m512i);

image/svg+xmlSIMD Floating-Point ExceptionsNone.Other ExceptionsNon-EVEX-encoded instruction, see Table2-21, “Type 4 Class Exception Conditions”.EVEX-encoded instruction, see Table2-49, “Type E4 Class Exception Conditions”.

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